Ben Fortier
IOS Developer / Full-Stack Developer
I am a senior majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics in the undergraduate program at Washington University in St. Louis. Upon my graduation in May 2020, I am looking for full time employment within the software life cycle. I am a full stack and IOS developer.
An NFL based IOS Application. Users can follow NFL games play-by-play. Through selecting plays from a playbook, users get results from an ML model and compete against how NFL coaches actually do. It was launched about 2 months ago and has 500+ downloads. Follow the CoachZone on the app store here or see code samples here
Motivation: Professional
Responsibilities: Sole architect and developer (Independent)
Skills: Swift, Programatic UI, NodeJS REST API, Socket Manager, Docker Deployed R Model API, Redis Clusters, Kafka Cluster, DynamoDB, S3 Storage, Read Streams, Social Login, Advanced UI Animations
Juke Jam
A personal IOS project still under development. It is a more collaborative way to create playlists with friends. Follow production here
Motivation: Personal
Responsibilities: Sole architect and developer
Skills: Swift, Spotify SDK, Social Login / User Auth, Firebase
Data Without Borders
Rural African medical clinics lack the internet to send major clinics medical data. The current process is rural clinics SMS text the major clinics, and the major clinics manually enter in the data.This application allows rural clinics to text a number which will automatically enter the data into the system.
Motivation: Academic
Responsibilities: One of three developers. Touched upon both back and front end.
Skills: Swift, MapKit, Node.JS, Firebase, Twilio
U-Social Login
U-Social is a campus platform for socializing. I was contracted to redesign and implement a new login UI that had social login.